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Fotografen - Einzelansicht

Andreas Lang

Widenmayerstr. 25
D- 80538 München

Kontakt: Andreas Lang
Tel.: +49.(0)89.292054
Fax: +49.(0)89.292054


"1965 born in Zweibruecken / Palatinat in Germany. 1984 Abitur at Helmholtz College. 1983-85 drummer of the Punkrock-band "Nasse Hunde" 1985-91 assistant to the photographers Dieter Blum, Michael Leis und Werner Janda. 1987 first exhibitions of portraits at gallery Testa in Saarbruecken. from 1991 -2001 living and working in Paris as a free-lance photographer. 1995 stay of several months in Australia, first black & white works on nature and landscape. 1996 start of a portrait-series on Alexandre Bouglione, his family and their "Romanes" Cirque Tzigane (gypsie circus); photo-essay on the horse theater "Zingaro" in Paris. 1997 first experimental short-films in super-8 und digital-video; collaboration with the electromechanical artist Gilbert Peyre for his catalogue. 1998 Dop and camera for the documentary "La colonne de Mr. Maurice" about the surrealist writer Maurice Fourré; documentary and photo-essay about the journey of a gypsie group (Titi Robin et Gitans) to Irak; publication of the book "Un peuple de promeneurs". 1999 journey to Dharamsala / Northern India for a documentary and photo-essay on tibetan Opera in exile and the buddhist saint Milarepa (collaboration with Tipa = tibetan institute of performing arts); works in black & white on nature and landscape; exhibition of the "Romanes" series at the following gallerys and festivals in France Chronique Nomades off, La Passerelle, Aidda - Prix de la photographie sociale et documentaire . 2000 Prix Agfa multicontrast award and group exhibition at gallery Thierry Marlat in Paris; photo-essay on some fairy-tales by Hans Christian Andersen for a book. 2001 exhibition of the "Alchimique" landscape-series at gallery Le Parvis - Scène nationale de Tarbes/Pyrenées in France; journey to Rome, Bomarzo and surroundings to continue the work on landscape; collaboration with the Schloesser und Seen Verwaltung of Bavaria (bavarian national historical monuments) for a catalogue; since 2001 represented by the photo-agency Focus. 2002 new landscapes on german Romanticism, trips to the Baltic-coast, Palatinat and the Rhine-valley; exhibitions of "Alchimique" at Salon Beige in Berlin and at the Leica-gallery in Tokyo. 2003 Exhibition "Geheime Orte" (landscapes) at Mosel & Tschechow gallery and at Sal. Oppenheim bank in Munich. Journey to Czech Republic and the Bavarian national forest to continue on the landscape series. Trip to New York to work on a short-film and photo-essay. 2004/05 participation in M4 art project and exhibition, journey to Greece, France and Spain to work on new landscapes. scholarship in Wroclav/Poland to continue the project on European landscapes and places."


Article in Photo Technik International

"... in Rome and its surroundings Andreas Lang photographed in September last year these pictures of ruins and monuments, pictures of history turned to stone: the remains of emperor Hadrian's villa in Tivoli, the silent witnesses of christian martyrdom along the Via Appia and the monstrous sculpures of the Orsini Renaissance park at Bomarzo. He perceives all this with an astonishing intensity. Images about the impermanence of worldly power and glory, relics of a fallen empire..., and it is not exaggerated when Lang says that he is looking for the divine that manifests itself in nature. Then, just coming back from Rome he was numbed by the fall of the Twin Towers in New York."

Hans - Eberhard Hess, Photo Technik International, nov./dec. 6/02
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